segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008

sábado, 29 de março de 2008

blame the picture

it was easy, it was supposed to be.
it was certain, we've walked half the way supposed to walk.
but then we acted stupid, we made some mistakes,
and, actually, i blame the picture.
the night was being pleasent, we were having fun;
together we shared the greatest laughs,
and that's how it was supposed to be due to the end.
then you had an idea, a cleaver one.
you said you wanted to stand up, and you wouldn't do it alone.
you wanted me by your side, and so you said
"i won't leave you at all".
but, as always, i had to call it off...
i had the cleaver idea of going outside;
just to glance at the city, a beautiful view;
and i wanted a picture.
when i went for the camera, i met you again,
you asked me where i've been,
and it was just then i realised i had went alone.
then i told you you should check how beautiful the city looked that night.
but i was stupid, my invitation wasn't clear;
instead, i just walked all the way over
with the camera hanging from my neck;
which your lips could have kissed,
intead of hers.
that bitch, she took you away from me.
and then,
i just remember having some alcohol;
i couldn't bare the pain of loosing it.
and it was when i realised you were already kissing her;
i started screaming, i loosed my way,
but then i decided that i should play.
i told your best friend i wanted you
as a whole, and as much as i could ever do.
i told him to tell you,
and not for my surprise
you wanted me too;
and he said you had tears on your eyes
once you've realised you've chosen the lowest prize
instead of having the highest, the one you wanted most.
i could possible blame everything else,
but i blame the picture.
although i know not everything is lost,
i feel sorry about us, but i feel for you
something i can't explain;
something between love, pain and hate;
a desire, a fire, or anything between;
and i know i can't give up until i have
what's mine by right.
and sometimes they even say
that british and french can't get it right.
it's been a week, and i still can't forget
what you've said, what you've did; what we've didn't, what's hanging in the air.
i know, i gotta let you go.
instead, i love this feeling;
it makes me feel more alive;
it makes me feel more secure;
it makes me feel like i'm gonna have you,
no matter how long it takes,
no matter how hard it has to be,
you're gonna be mine
- at least for one night.
i don't know when,
i don't know how,
i just... know.
and maybe,
just maybe,
that's was how it was supposed to be.
just for us to realise what both of us have lost;
to realise how we should grow up
and be wiser
in order not to blame any picture any other time soon.

quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008

stick to the next bext thing

acontece que, já que não dá pra ir pra terras além mar, we stick to the next best thing.
e the next best thing, nesse momento, é ir pra Belo Horizonte e brincar de mudar o mundo.
e logo a primeira brincadeira do ano envolve avião, hotel, PUC-Minas, TEMAS Da Guerra, British Cabinet, primeiro comitê em inglês, Phil e Mivó, e, certamente, muita diversão.
até a volta.

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2008

fuck the pain away

quero, outra vez, o amanhecer nos ares.
e, ir, de preferência, pra outros ares.
ares bem longe daqui.
o mais rápido possível.
these words are my heart and soul.

sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2008

todo carnaval tem seu fim

inclusive aqueles que a gente não quer que terminem de jeito nenhum.
deixa eu brincar de ser feliz,
deixa eu pintar o meu nariz.

quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2008

e janeiro...

pois é. acabou janeiro... e o que eu fiz? é hora de contar.
passei as primeiras duas semanas aqui mesmo, só contando a hora de ir pra minha segunda cidade favorita no mundo - Orlaaando! dia 12 estava lá no aeroporto, cheia dos remédios, esperando o vôo que sairia a 1h45 da madrugada do dia 13. e quem eu encontro no aeroporto? meu amigo JotaPêêê. super divertido.
só que essa viagem não foi, nem de longe, como as outras. pelo contrário. foi muito boa, é claro, porque, afinal de contas, Disney é Disney. mas foi esquisita. foi um janeiro de céu cinzento, de chuva, de crises de asma e bronquite. um janeiro, no mínimo, inesperado.
mas, ainda assim, muuuuito bom. e cheio de livros novos m-a-r-a-v-i-l-h-o-s-o-s.
e, sei lá mais o que contar... eu já cheguei há quase uma semana e eu ainda não contei tudo nem pros meus pais e pra mivó - é até engraçado: do nada, eu lembro de alguma coisa e começo a contar.
amanhã vou viajar de novo, mas pra pertinho daqui mesmo. au revoir!